Manufactory and head office

Ponoma, LLC.
Batestown Road,

Danville, IL 61832 United States

GPS coordinates: 40.119910151603456, -87.69937591533952

Appointment required

Give us a call

+1(217)898 8983

+1(217)260 2402

Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm
Central Time

Chat with us

Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm
Central Time

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Our Mission

PONOMA® creates eco-friendly stainless steel furniture and sculptures to save forests and animals.

For centuries, people have used wooden furniture, destroying the forests that protect all life on our planet from solar radiation. We develop an innovative product.

Instead of cutting down trees to produce wooden furniture, using stainless steel for furniture production reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 20% and saves mature trees for photosynthesis and future generations.

signature of Uri Ponoma