Shipping policy

We provide Free Worldwide Delivery: we ship worldwide and pay all delivery fees door-to-door to your address. The processing time before shipping is shown at the top of each listing.

We use UPS, FedEx for the USA, DHL Express, USPS for international delivery. We email track numbers to buyers after shipping immediately. Delivery time: 2 - 5 business days for delivering to Continental USA with UPS or FedEx; 7 -20 business days for delivering to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada, EU, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand with DHL Express and USPS.

Sales taxes

We're responsible for the US sales taxes. The price you see on and is the price you get. 

Customs and import taxes

We are responsible for any customs and import taxes that can be applied to orders of our foreign customers. The price you see is the price you get. If you still have to pay additional duties or taxes, please email us at - we'll compensate for it immediately. So, we are responsible for any customs and import taxes that can be applied to orders of our foreign customers except:

1) Iran, 2) Russia, 3) Belarus, 4) North Korea, 5) South Sudan, 6) Pakistan, 7) Afghanistan, 8) Venezuela, 9) Myanmar (Burma), 10) Central African Republic, 11) Syria, 12) Turkmenistan, 13) China, 14) Kazakhstan, 15) Burkina Faso, 16) India, 17) Cuba, 18) Turkey.

-we don't ship our goods to the countries.




Ponoma® retains all copyrights in any text, graphic images, and software owned by Ponoma® and hereby authorizes you to electronically copy documents published herein solely for the purpose of transmitting or viewing the information. You may not mirror, modify or otherwise alter any files in this website for rebroadcast, or print the information contained therein, without written permission from Ponoma. Except as expressly provided above, nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license or right under any Ponoma® copyright, patent, or trademark.

Ponoma® as well as corporate and product identity used herein is a trademark of Ponoma and may not be used without permission.

Our Mission Our Mission

Our Mission

PONOMA® creates eco-friendly stainless steel furniture and sculptures to save forests and animals.

For centuries, people have used wooden furniture, destroying the forests that protect all life on our planet from solar radiation. We develop an innovative product.

Instead of cutting down trees to produce wooden furniture, using stainless steel for furniture production reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 20% and saves mature trees for photosynthesis and future generations.

signature of Uri Ponoma