How to clean and care for stainless steel?
Routine cleaning of light soiling and fingerprints
Soap, detergent, or dilute (1%) ammonia solution in warm clean water. Apply with a clean sponge, soft cloth or soft-fiber brush then rinse in clean water and dry.
Ponoma team recommends 2 ready to use products for cleaning and care for our stainless steel goods.
#1 cleaning and polishing product for 1-2 times a month cleaning:
#2 protector and cleaner for use 1-2 times a year:

Our Mission
PONOMA® creates eco-friendly stainless steel furniture and sculptures to save forests and animals.
For centuries, people have used wooden furniture, destroying the forests that protect all life on our planet from solar radiation. We develop an innovative product.
Instead of cutting down trees to produce wooden furniture, using stainless steel for furniture production reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 20% and saves mature trees for photosynthesis and future generations.