Stainless steel waterfall table

Beneficios de los muebles de acero inoxidable

Esta sección de nuestro blog fue creada para contarte algunos beneficios de los muebles de acero inoxidable.

Por ejemplo: nuestro cliente, Bao ha preguntado aquí:

¿La parte inferior del estante es perfecta o muestra la costura donde se envuelve el acero inoxidable?
Estimado Bao, sí, el acero inoxidable permite que la superficie del estante sea completamente perfecta, no al revés. solo , pero también en la parte inferior:
 La construcción sin costuras del estante Ponoma proporciona una superficie hermosamente elegante, esto evita que el agua gotee en las grietas (como los estantes de madera o laminados). ¡Sin grietas significa que no hay humedad ni moho insalubres!

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7 comentarios

It certainly was interesting when you informed us that it is quite environmentally friendly to opt for stainless steel furniture since this helps eliminate deforestation by not using wooden products. I’m renovating my kitchen soon, and I was thinking of making it look more modern. I might just consider getting a stainless steel table with a sink attached once I find a supplier to contact about the products soon.

Elina Brooks

Hello Margareth,
Thank you for your feedback about Matte black shelves Ponoma.

Invoce was sent to your email.



Hello Theresa,
Yes, stainless steel is non-magnetic, we use high quality
AISI 304 stainless steel-this is non-magnetic material has
a relative magnetic permeability of 1:

Sure, If you want, you can return
them.Please pack them in original packaging
to protect in the way, and send to our address
on stickers. We can’t refund money if they
are damaged.
We’ll refund your payment
as soon receive shelves.

Best regards,


HI there,

I finally found someone to mount the sample shelf that you sent below and it is perfect. Can I please order the other 5 same size and finish.

Please provide details/ availability etc. Thanks.

Margaret Nicholson


Hello Uri: We received your package. However, we will be returning the two shelves because

The intended use required the stainless steel to be magnetic, and these shelves are not and

I would like to ship them back to you next week. Do I use the address on the packing slip? Will you be applying a credit to the credit card we used to make the purchase?

I am sorry that it did not work out.

FedEx track:


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